Spirit as Community

The video was created by a wonderful, wise woman Gwen Caldwell. I can envision the inspiration it brings to tribal elders viewing this within her community. WWW- wonderful wise woman. Gwen had a well-respected, fabulous radio show “Morning Brew”, which ended this summer. Sad to see it end, in hindsight it bowed out in dignity as several others came on the blogtalk radio scene since then. For it to get lost in the morass of new blogradio shows would be a disservice. If I listened to all the new shows out there regularly I would never get off my computerized buttocks to live life.

However, this wonderful video [above] came across my radar this morning. It grabbed me for the simple reason it resonates with my vibes.  There are two posts I wrote earlier this month relative to the concept within the video.   Call for a MIRACLE  and Family- Tribe- Community- the FUTURE CVAC  .

It is time to stop and create a new way of BEing as  a community one chooses for self, which should never be dictated by another entity as a  false authority. It is time to look within the heart to feel what resonates as goodness versus what is offered as comfort. Fear may dictate that others judge it as a radical idea or new ‘cult’ ideas cropping up. That is the lie. Actually, the catholic church is the largest most enduring cult in recent human history.

There is another way. It does not have to come from the old worn out establishment that is not only foreclosed but broken. What does it take to impress upon the populace that it doesn’t work any longer. Why would you try to drive a defunct old car that won’t get around a corner much less down the road? Why not drive a brand new model  that functions  magnificently?

The puzzle pieces of disclosure are falling into place on all fronts except the main stream media. RTS, Brian’s Blog and American Kabuki (among many) are helping to connect the dots on the socio-political-economic front. These sites are all on the sidebar to the right.

I Am forging another path  with a twist. I Am using the power of Mind and Heart  to create a new, different, better reality. I know to do this with a higher level of understanding of how quantum physics works, the ‘miracles’ are an extension of that energy. It works for everyone. Those who know can control it better than those who do not. George Carlin describes it with a bit of humor as the “American Dream” see:

Now, on to two terms used in Gwen’s video governance versus government. I invite readers to use critical examination of the misuse of words and their definitions. It is important that we comprehend the underlying dynamic of manipulation of mass mind through media, gratification, consumerism, economics, and legalese all that control us through implied, presumed energy,.

Keep it simple. Get a dictionary.

Here is the big question: “Where have we given up our liberty for silent slavery because we didn’t know our language and our lives have been co-opted by a body politic, supported by mass media?”

Has any agency allowed you to live with unhampered liberty, prosperity, wealth, unbounded great health, and self-determination lately?

I am inviting the reader to consider the use and misuse of language over the last two centuries by the alleged authority we define here,  to substitute one meaning for another without general knowledge. Take a moment. Look up the definition for  governance. You may find depending on the dictionary, the concept of  moral conduct or behavior : discretion.

The term government is used also to define governance. I find this interesting.

Engraving of a meeting of the Roman Senate

Another clever concept incorporates the transitive verb to govern.

Personally, I create that I govern my human tendency to become distracted by subtle outside influences. These duplicitous installed  electrical stimuli and human created distortions can keep me from focus. I focus on the critical elements in life such as turning inward to Spirit,  my Highest Authority for guidance and answers. I know it as my Eternal Essence, Eternal heart, and Primary Consciousness. I consider this sacrosanct. I will not allow that to be violated no matter who tries to trespass or impose itself as a  contract above me or between me and ‘I AM that I AM’ (sui generis).

I am meant to be happy. I am meant to laugh, create, discover, and live fully. I choose to live to the highest ideal and for the highest good. That is me. It is an individual choice. Not only is that my basic right , It is my Divine Right eternally.

The choice is yours alone. Will it be evolution and liberty or the continued comfort of slavery?

Thanks for stopping by.

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