Hey Sleeping Beauty…Wake up!!

Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast all cast under a spell. The message is in the story, the movie, the song. Permit me to share some insight. There is a solution.

Sleeping Beauty

Light and the electromagnetic spectrum of  infrared is also the negative reflection for hertzian frequency as in photography the exact opposite of shadows.
For those who know the story of  David who cracked the DO/BE code a few months ago, keep in mind there is still a spell cast upon the collective human brain/mind/Consciousness reinforced through radio waves and infrared frequencies. Our brains are radio receivers and process through the infrared in the mid-brain. That is the area the spell is closing off, calcifying, and programming into what the puppeteers want the populace to believe about reality. It is all an illusion.   Subconsciously it also works to continuously cast the spell and keep it active.

Let’s look at  MONEY that is a spell. It is cast as a charm. Think about the effect it holds on us.

Let’s look at POWER that is a spell, also cast as a charm. Think about the effect it’s had on us.

Money and Power are two basic, compelling, major, and outstanding keys to the hard-wire of the brain under the charm. It is kept alive by ADVERTISING, commercials, movies, media talking heads droning on every half hour, videos, DARPA, songs, Hollywood, religion, educational propaganda and disinformation. Follow that rabbit hole, it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.

To incorporate government as your supreme authority  is a tool of casting spells we need to throw off.  To align with any government permits mind control  as  the etymology of government means to control the mind. From Latinised Greek gubernatio ”management, government”, from Ancient Greek κυβερνισμός, κυβέρνησις (kybernismos, kybernesis) “steering, pilotage, guiding”, from κυβερνάω (kybernao) “to steer, to drive, to guide, to act as a pilot” plus Latin mente ”mind”.

Until humanity BREAKS THE SPELL,  all the documents, oaths, declarations fall on deaf ears. This is like a piece to a galactic puzzle. This is just another piece. Our frontal lobes play the information like a movie screen. The brain sees in symbols not words for example look at  the kabbalistic use of magic, subliminal flashes, symbols, repetitive sounds, numbers, geometrics.  Was the SPELL  first cast with the use of language (think TOWER of Babel)?  It cast humanity into separation; divide and conquer taking over the mind, hearts, and souls for eons.
I know I need to undo it on a personal level to change my Soul Contract. I do not consent to any spells cast upon me in any fashion from the physical material world on into the quantum for any reason whatsoever!
Does any of this make sense?

Think DaVinci Code. These are all riddles. Look at the TOWER card in the tarot for instance widely referred to today to explain what is going on in shadow governments and banking power structures.
How do we solve this?  How do we dispel it all?  Think of opposite energy.
What is the OPPOSITE of money? (not  wealth)
What is the OPPOSITE of power?
The answer to the riddle points to the Universal LAW of Neutralization, one uses opposite to neutralize the power of the pendulum swing back to center.
One means I used in my legal briefs was to write and record into public record I did not consent to any presumptions/contracts implied or express with the courts. Did that work? No, before foreclosure of the courts, they were compromised. It is all a business model not judicial. However, it was heard and recorded on a universal level.
In meditation what comes is a similar solution.
If  each person as a SINGULARITY of the ONE HUMANITY much like a drop of water into the ocean, creates a new Soul contract to END the SPELL there is hope for a new golden age. Name it and it loses power.

If we would dispel the charm on ourselves created eons ago, especially in this lifetime,  because we have no recollection of it made we would be free. No one would have any power over us.
Each person through Free Will  choice ends it, purging the enchantment that money, power, traditions/religion , sexual gratification,  creates in the subconscious. Spells continuing through a gravity pull of unfinished contracts spills over through lifetimes over the eons. Humanity is born under it.
This is something you have to DO for yourself, which no paperwork or computer software can DO for you.

Herein lies the conundrum.  If you don’t know you are asleep you cannot wake yourself up. Consider this a wake up call.

Think about all of  this and wake yourself up.  Prince Charming is busy.

Thanks for stopping by.

A JOB is a job…? GET RID of it.

Bingo! The light bulb went on this morning as I listened to my neighbors start their cars for the commute to their respective hamster wheels.  I luxuriated in bed for a short while as I AM retired and gloriously out of that system creating abundance.  I AM finding my value exchange in other miraculous ways.Hamster on Wheel

Why aren’t MSM,  banks, gubamint agencies, courts, law enforcement, debt collectors, alphabet soup UN minions getting it? Is it because they are all foreclosed clueless corporations? Yup.

Why aren’t YOU getting it?

Is it because you are a corporation too? Sort of, you are an asset of that system.

You are property. Your value is your labor. What does that mean? Are you willing to read and pay attention to this message? Here it goes.

YOU STILL THINK IN TERMS OF a …….JOB.  It is still in your vocabulary.

Get it out of your vocabulary, vernacular, glossary of mental identity.

What is the single most used introductory question folks have for each other? “Hi, I am and I do. what do YOU do for a living?”

Stop thinking of your labor as value to the old system! Start thinking of it as exchangeable value among one another. It is a whole new way of thinking of Life itself and it will be a major lesson for the takers who don’t know how to give or exchange value for value.

It can BE done.

It is  the evolution of a new economy that will save our planet and the integrity of  our species.

An ADP Model 4500 timecard reader

Employee, employer, individual, person, job, employment– it is all language of the CORPORATION that continues to enslave.  It is the lingo the IRS uses to justify its chains on your pocketbook.  How many of you realize this, or am I preaching to the choir?

Your labor is recognized by the current system as the value behind your signature. That translates into dollars, pounds, yen, yuan, dinars, pesos, euros. It is all money for the top 1%, and sentence of a  lifetime of hard labor for the prisoners to the old system. It is what is traded openly on the market. It is the collateral for the unmitigated, burdensome global (fake) debt we can’t repay.

If you cannot fathom how you will pay your bills with the new I/UV exchange you are playing with self-imposed limits. Relax. I/UV exchange is the most valuable tool of the new age, new century, new way of BEing http://oppt-in.com/. If you cannot wrap your mind around it then naturally you will be stuck paying into the old system forever. Until you get it, that you must drop the language; you are stuck and there is no one to blame but yourself.  Stop blaming OPPT, I/UV,  Heather, and the system for what is taken from you.

It is your  use of words that will rail against you every time. Reap those effects from your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes of limitations. Those were programmed into all of us at birth,. It is designed that way.  Don’t believe me ? Watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZU0c8DAIU4.

I DO walk my talk folks.  Soon I  face  the same condition of how do I survive in a slavery system absent limits? I already belong to a thriving time bank.  Each day for many years  as a discipline, I walk the words I DO, I AM, I CAN, I create, I manifest, I THANK the God of my BEing for the Abundant Prosperity and health already in my life.

Then I get out of my own way.  I already have offers as of two days ago. That’s how it works folks.

Be patient, we are living in a very slow dimensional time nexus. It feels like walking through thick mud one step at a time without losing your boots. You DO get to the finish line. You do enjoy the results you want. Trust me. Don’t get distracted on the way. The programmed  mind  is  fickle. It sabotages one’s desire. When it doesn’t go right, the personality blames failure  on something else. Stop whining when it doesn’t happen the way you want.

Focus on the vision or the picture if you will, and leave the framing to your Higher Source. Those are the details only God can DO with you. The personality usually screws it up. It manipulates the image to get to a result. Trust your God to create the outcome. Always ask for better. Give thanks for the help and be patient.

Defy the odds and thrive!  Miracles happen every day. Participate in them.

Have a great jobless day of creating absolute abundant prosperity. you can DO it!

Thanks for stopping by.