Votes are in…..

I see this site is morphing into a theme of social satire.

Unfortunately all that affects life, which includes the family structure is effected by the rapid changes. We are grasping at the last vestiges of ‘normalcy’ as the crumbling of that concept reveals more nefarious intentions. Although media in the mainstream hides this truth, it just takes some ‘noodling’ around to uncover it.

Nothing is what it seems, like a sinister plot in some Hollywood film. I WELCOME YOUR suggestions on whether it would feel better to post the more irreverent  satire/cartoons on a new blog site and leave the more dignified topics to this one. The next cartoon is a dilly. Any preferences?

I am geared up for change as nothing is permanent but impermanence.




I also have this post in the book section. This  is a new adventure so if I slip up, duplicate, or trip over my feet, I’ll just pick myself up, brush myself off and continue moving forward with my head held high. Ho o o pono pono. In tandem with my theme and focus I present to you, the world, my Trilogy for CHILDREN of ALL AGES.

Now talk about  Remote Viewing an adventure years before it happens! I saw the end of the story before the beginning. OPPT wasn’t even conceived then. In 2006 the entire story unfolded in front of me while meditating in a focus  field waiting for my first blindfolded initiation to the Labyrinth called the Tank (TM) at RSE. They were eventually published in 2011.

The first book introduces the characters and lays the foundation for the adventure into Awakening.  It unfurled as a story of one particular child, her siblings and friends and is left open to pass to something more.  The allegory is the Porcelain Vaz  and all that it entails, which is our awakening to truth. The evil ones  know the value of it ; that  the magic holds the power.

All three books begin with flashbacks to the end then bring one back to the moment. I was told it would make a great flick, animated or otherwise.  However, twists in the characters keeps one wondering who is the good guy and who is the bad.Isn’t that true of the corporate world?

In this trilogy,  one begins to see the sinister footsteps of evil wanting what Piper thought she heisted from the family cabinet only to have it stolen from her. The chase begins with the heist of the magic Vaz. Piper’s life takes a downturn from there yet she never gives up hope.

book 1 Fairies Feet and Foozle
book 1 Fairies Feet and Foozle
The second book takes one on a quantum journey around the globe in search of the prize. Along the way the villains hide in every shadow ready to pounce.
The end will have you holding your breath wondering what is real.
Angel Wings and Bran Flakes

Angel Wings and Bran Flakes

Enter in a hero character, beautiful, wise, Marie Heather who comes to mentor Piper and help her  as she develops into maturity.Characters commonly created in fables that carry a ‘magic theme’   hold an inner power all along. It is fostered as ‘secret’ so that it can be kept from the common person. Marie Heather shows Piper it can be available to all.  Twists and turns in the third book, should surprise you until the end

These books are in kindle and can be found on Amazon,com

book 3 Ceiling on the Morrow- third book in trilogy, "the Porcine Vaz"
book 3 Ceiling on the Morrow- third book in trilogy, “the Porcelain Vaz”

Angels offer a simple gift, like a wagging tail




Angels come in all sizes shapes and packages, as do fairies, sylphs, elves, and sprites. One may envision them as etheric sparkles or flashes of Light. Others more often liken them to figures with wings. I offer to the ones with four legs (or two, eight, none). They may have wings or fins, scales or antennae.

The subcategory of angel to which I refer is in the ‘elemental’ category and are quite busy assisting and supporting a very powerful energy known as Cherubim. The elemental kingdom may be far more advanced in this way than seemingly civilized human species. How many angels speak through animals? Will we ever know? It may be that animals do not carry the emotional, mental ‘baggage” that we humans do, therefore,  they don’t consider themselves ‘unworthy’ to be in the company of greatness.

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.” -DH Lawrence
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.” – The Talmud

How does this relate to saving the children or even thinking of them as our future? Kids and their animal goes hand in hand. Simple.  That’s right, it’s a pet.  I can go into responsible pet ownership but that is not the purpose of this blog. There are thousands of sites to search for that information. [see the URL at the bottom of this post]

child dog jpeg

child dog

What I intend to inspire here is  heartfelt Presence. Where is that found but in the interwoven- connection between the Spirit of a small child and the spirit of the animal.  Humans are childlike in all ages. Shall I reverse that and emphasis the connection between the animal and its human charge?



Animals are fabulous reflectors to humans for what is happening in their world, even if it is you. Their body language tells it all. Ever wonder just what your cat or dog , horse or bird  is looking at when they look at you? Do you suppose it is your energy field (bandwidth)? How much heart reflects in that bandwidth? Do you ever get all mush-faced and goofy-voice with your pet? When you do, how does the pet respond? Tail up and purr, tail wagging and ears go down, sneezing and woofing, meowing and rubbing, or dancing on a perch with the head bobbing up and down?
Its called body language or animal talk.

http://www.weruletheinternet. co m

How close are you to your pet-person? How involved are they in your life? I’ve seen many an animal as merely fixtures in the yard, left unattended. I wonder how  often the people inside go to check the water quality in their bowls, or cool them off in the extreme heat. To never allow them in the house to be part of your pack is nothing more than having mobile yard furniture.

Remember, animals love and protect their pack, pride, gaggle, congress, parliament, herd…..a yard dog or cat isn’t part of your pack even though you may go out to feed them, that is merely identifying you as food source. No the connection goes deeper. It is nexus point of heart. that immediately connects to the Divine.

"Timebomb2000", "TB2K" and "Watching the World 'true friendship'  at Tick Away" are Service Mark℠ TB2K, Inc.

‘true friendship’
at Tick Away” are Service Mark℠ TB2K, Inc.

Why is any of this important?

Ir speaks of how we as a species, reach out to others, whether two-legged,  four, eight or otherwise, to find the love within ourselves through a simple path to heart.  Many times it comes for us in an animal.  For example I ran upon a truth tied to a sad story written in an article today : it  bespeaks of  the ultimate sacrifice.

“Why Did Mindy McCready Shoot Her Dog? By | omg!
…..   “When people are asked what might be their reasons for living, what might keep them alive, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard them mention their dogs or cats or pets and what life would be like for their pet without them. And, that in some ways, that is what keeps them alive,” he says. “I think we often understate or neglect the importance of pets in people’s lives.”…..

Walk into any nursing home, orphanage, schoolroom, hospital that allows service animals and watch the sparkle, the soft sweet dynamic of unconditional service; love with a tail, or fin, or wing. Indeed, these angels are gifts. Must they too fall through the cracks along with our children?

Mindy McCready chose to end her dog’s life along with hers to end the suffering. Is that the last act of love or of  sacrifice? What would we offer our children if as an adult, life becomes too painful to continue? My point here is that only one nexus point can change all. It is time to awaken, look around and know that the Inner Source brings the only solutions. Life or death should never come to this nadir of suffering. Nothing, I repeat, no thing, no person, no event, is worth losing one’s Soul in the Light of All Eternity.

Angels come to us. They are all around though we can’t see them. We feel their kisses when our hearts jump and chills go through us. It is a hormonal rush pulsing through our electrical fields, coursing through our veins. It is the kiss of the Divine Source. It is IT’s hug. How else does a non-corporeal entity hug IT’s absolute love? Imagine this as a sixth dimensional US that resides in no time or space, giving ourselves a hug.

I LEAVE YOU WITH THIS THOUGHT:  remember back when you were young, hurting from a rejection; smarting from a spanking or sharp words. Alone in your room, a barn or garage, porch, up a tree, in a fort, field, stream or wherever you went to sooth your aching heart as a child. Hot tears burning your cheeks, inconsolable aching in your chest as your heart-felt as though it was breaking.  Who was there for you? Who made it feel just a little better? Did it lick those salty tears from your cheeks, purr its way to your heart, sing an inconsolable tune from a branch far above, or snuggle up in some way to ‘body-language’ you to say that it is okay? Perhaps, if you were lucky. For those who don’t relate to pets (many do not and that is reality), then guess who was there with you in that fort, tree, field, bedroom yes it was your Angel, it was Source.

p.s. I found this site below to be most helpful as a reference and an educational  tool. Once upon a time, I volunteered at the local SPCA, served on its board and developed a liaison between the local kennel club, whose board i also served with the animal shelter.  It soon revealed a ‘match made in heaven’ ongoing to this day.

This is all I will publish about me, its all you need to know

Let me introduce myself . Whatever topic touches the soul in Divine ways, parks right here. I have two blog sites each to accommodate different perspectives and sometimes the same.Wanderer SojournerBE

I welcome thought-provoking comments. Somehow I had trouble with the ‘chatty’ aspect of blog-sites I visited recently. Time is too valuable to waste.

I once had a great teacher admonish: Small minds chatter, mediocre minds talk, great minds  ask the great questions.

I realized there is far too much going on to remain silent. Life is in the fast lane.

Meteoric  events are taking place while shifts are happening in the mass consciousness. Someone had to take the first bold step and thanks to OPPT trustees the ball got rolling.
Let me make very clear from outset, while I am an ordained minister, I am not tied to religion or a church. It is the first question people ask me, “What church are you from?”  The organization that sponsored my ordination may have had its roots in the Unity Church; it progressed beyond that. Instead it promotes a universal concept that we are all connected in One brother/sisterhood free to express our Divine.  I am not new age. I got over that  years ago.

I know who I AM. I know how I BE.

I AM my own authority under God/Source/Divine Light/YHWH/Allah/Nanak/Spirit, call it what you want. NO THING, NO PERSON, NO CORPORATION holds any authority above me or Source. That is my Law, it is sacrosanct. How about making it your Law!

Joseph Campbell said it best, ” God is a metaphor for that which transcends all levels of intellectual thought. It is as simple as that.” Joseph Campbell quotes (American prolific Author, Editor, Philosopher and Teacher, 19041987)

As a minister I am not  ‘ intermediary’. Each has his/her own Eternal Inner connection. I am just a reminder for that, for those who’ve not awakened to that truth and still need to identify with something.

Each morning as I create my day, I ask,  ‘How do I venerate my Self, my Source, my Inner Eternal Spark this day?”  Quite simply it is  unquestionable adoration of my I AM Presence.

Let me give you a brief history.  I was educated in parochial  schools, dare I admit it was Roman Catholic? Well, I am recovering. It was a good education despite the nuns (we won’t get into the priests).

English: Sant Thakar Singh smiling, in full fr...

I turned to Buddhism as an adult had a visit to Dharamsala but only got to meet the Dalai Lama’s mule not him. I progressed into shamanism in South America- birthplace of my grandfather, explored Sikhism in Amritsar, was blessed by Sant Thakar Singh at his ashram outside of Delhi.

I remote viewed him then did a painting of him a year before I met him. I thought it was a ‘sign’.  When we met and looked into each others’ eyes, we knew we weren’t meant for each other. He was a kind fellow who taught we are souls who have a body. Sounds much like a C.S. Lewis quote.
I returned home from that journey  to live at a dharma center in Santa Fe, NM to discover that was not my path. I traveled the globe looking for a master teacher only to find him in my backyard and behold; I found  Ram  in Washington who began my training in Mind, character building,  and quantum physics.
Along the way, I discovered the Truth of my enslavement after years in nursing, trauma, surgery. Armed with a legal education and doing some consulting, I threw it all off.  Several years of  whirlwind of research, study,  documents, court proceedings,  the genesis of this movement,  I met Heather and life for me changed exponentially.

I let it all go. I walked away from all that I owned and cherished to minister to the soul in ways that inspired me by BEing.  Now I own nothing, I steward everything.  I’ve been  on the road, my car is my chapel, my BEing is the ministry. I inspire as I am inspired. My horizons expand.

Along the way I meet glorious souls.

I’ve also led Christmas prayer  feeding the homeless, I stop to lend an ear to beggars on the street, I toss any coin I have left into their cup, I’ve assisted in hospice, I volunteered with near death experience studies, and  never for a paycheck or  donation; yet I thrive. That is how Infinite substance from Source works.

Years in healthcare gave me the  ‘eye’  to see what is happening in modern medicine. Sinister changes for the corporate line-  all for a buck, the bottom line, the big gold coin. Yes indeed, corporate greed eventually hijacked the  inviolable promise, which is our health (body) and our children.

I won’t address constitutional amendments or rights in this launch but remember the constitution is merely a contract and since we didn’t sign it,  guess what gets breached? Indeed. My education in law gave me that ‘eye’.

Fast forward to today as I noodle around the blog set up instructions.
What becomes clear is that the FUTURE remains in a delicate balance with our children.
I watch  parents desperate to make sense of why the social system is doing more harm than good. Who cares?

I DO.   DO you?

Thanks for stopping in. Come on back now…..