on retreat


I am on retreat for a couple of weeks, in case you haven’t noticed. Back soon with a new ‘project’ I’ve been working on that is proving to be an eye opener for me. That being the case, it will be eye-opening for you too, trust me.

We’ve gone too far and it is too late to escape it. Now the choices seem to be 1. go with the flow  2. resist and enjoy the discomfort but don’t complain 3. Rise above it and enjoy that ride as it is out of this world so beam me up Scotty  4. The sky is the limit in the quantum vacuum -ya gotta know who you are and what you are doing.

Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see ya soon.



President wants congress to see, Congress DO!

Corporate wants us to see, Corporate DO to us (all of it is corporation including church)

we DO what we think we should do but can’t remember why…

Monkey surprise

I read this below in an email so do not claim it as the author. I don’t know who the original one is. I am sharing it to illustrate collective human behavior, which is beginning to resemble the mice experiment and now this alleged one- to current events.  Consider with the Middle East the media behavior modification to get approval, the oil and gas pipeline is the real banana. This holds true with 9/11 WMD in Iraq, in 2000, or how about what is behind the false flags in this country starting with Oklahoma City down through Boston.

The behavior modification also includes banking, finance, and everything to do with wealth. That embraces how the masses became indoctrinated with the banana syndrome and the shrinking ‘middle class’.

For instance take the idea that one must have in their possession when called upon to show their identity (birth certificate, passport, driver license government issued ID), requirement to be licensed and taxed for virtually everything concerning a person’s function from birth, to marriage, to death. The umbrella shadows  benefits, freedom, well-being, sustainability, education; anything that derives from a person’s labor, value, decisions,

Substitute anything you like for the banana- money, value, housing, affordable higher education, jobs, liberty,  or whatever is rewarding. Look to the basics of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which is threatened and hampered as we speak, only the monkeys are unaware.

Here is the analogy, you may have seen or read already so let’s put it into perspective. I thought was pretty interesting:

Sent: Tue, Sep 3, 2013 10:22 am
Subject: Fw: Psychology 101

 Psychology 101 – This Is Brilliant!! (Simple truth)
 If you start with a cage containing five monkeys and inside the cage,  
 hang a banana on a string from the top and then you place a set of  
 stairs under the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs  
 and climb toward the banana.
 As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys  
 with cold water.
 After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result …  
 all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when  
 another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try  
 to prevent it.

 Now, put the cold water away.

 Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one.
 The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To  
 his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the heck out of him. After  
 another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the  
 stairs he will be assaulted.
 Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with  
 a new one.
 The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous  
 newcomer takes part in the punishment…… with enthusiasm, because  
 he is now part of the “team”.
 Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by the  
 fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the  
 stairs, he is attacked.
 Now, the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were  
 not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are  
 participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
 Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the  
 remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water.  
 Nevertheless, not one of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway  
 for the banana.
 Why, you ask? Because in their minds…that is the way it has always  
 This, my friends, is how Governments operate… and this is why, from  
 time to time:
 ALL of the monkeys need to be REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME.
Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your banana.

One sun or two?

I’ve activated my pineal since February this year. Sun-gazing also brought on some changes, I personally do not recommend it for everyone. While exercising this the other day I clearly saw two suns. There was no question in my observation. I said nothing to anyone as this brings on debate. No thank you.

The video, although in Chinese is easy to understand and close to what I saw. It made me wonder if the ever-increasing chemtrails also hide the obvious.  I find it interesting that on state controlled media, this information is freely viewed where  ‘in  good ol’ U. S.  of ‘Merica’  it is all hidden, by mainstream media as usual.


By the way, this is to share and to hopefully inspire. This is not for popularity or to get ‘hits’ on the blog site. It isn’t about that  and not a ‘brain fix’. Tempting as it is like tobacco, feel good brain chemicals, or emotional supports, It is not to feed the ego.  It is to experience the path toward evolution into a golden body for a golden age. One has to do it for self, as no one will do it for you. It is a lone journey. I find it extraordinary and exciting; someone else may not. It is not their time or inclination.

Thanks for stopping by.

Spirit as Community

The video was created by a wonderful, wise woman Gwen Caldwell. I can envision the inspiration it brings to tribal elders viewing this within her community. WWW- wonderful wise woman. Gwen had a well-respected, fabulous radio show “Morning Brew”, which ended this summer. Sad to see it end, in hindsight it bowed out in dignity as several others came on the blogtalk radio scene since then. For it to get lost in the morass of new blogradio shows would be a disservice. If I listened to all the new shows out there regularly I would never get off my computerized buttocks to live life.

However, this wonderful video [above] came across my radar this morning. It grabbed me for the simple reason it resonates with my vibes.  There are two posts I wrote earlier this month relative to the concept within the video.   Call for a MIRACLE  and Family- Tribe- Community- the FUTURE CVAC  .

It is time to stop and create a new way of BEing as  a community one chooses for self, which should never be dictated by another entity as a  false authority. It is time to look within the heart to feel what resonates as goodness versus what is offered as comfort. Fear may dictate that others judge it as a radical idea or new ‘cult’ ideas cropping up. That is the lie. Actually, the catholic church is the largest most enduring cult in recent human history.

There is another way. It does not have to come from the old worn out establishment that is not only foreclosed but broken. What does it take to impress upon the populace that it doesn’t work any longer. Why would you try to drive a defunct old car that won’t get around a corner much less down the road? Why not drive a brand new model  that functions  magnificently?

The puzzle pieces of disclosure are falling into place on all fronts except the main stream media. RTS, Brian’s Blog and American Kabuki (among many) are helping to connect the dots on the socio-political-economic front. These sites are all on the sidebar to the right.

I Am forging another path  with a twist. I Am using the power of Mind and Heart  to create a new, different, better reality. I know to do this with a higher level of understanding of how quantum physics works, the ‘miracles’ are an extension of that energy. It works for everyone. Those who know can control it better than those who do not. George Carlin describes it with a bit of humor as the “American Dream” see:

Now, on to two terms used in Gwen’s video governance versus government. I invite readers to use critical examination of the misuse of words and their definitions. It is important that we comprehend the underlying dynamic of manipulation of mass mind through media, gratification, consumerism, economics, and legalese all that control us through implied, presumed energy,.

Keep it simple. Get a dictionary.

Here is the big question: “Where have we given up our liberty for silent slavery because we didn’t know our language and our lives have been co-opted by a body politic, supported by mass media?”

Has any agency allowed you to live with unhampered liberty, prosperity, wealth, unbounded great health, and self-determination lately?

I am inviting the reader to consider the use and misuse of language over the last two centuries by the alleged authority we define here,  to substitute one meaning for another without general knowledge. Take a moment. Look up the definition for  governance. You may find depending on the dictionary, the concept of  moral conduct or behavior : discretion.

The term government is used also to define governance. I find this interesting.

Engraving of a meeting of the Roman Senate

Another clever concept incorporates the transitive verb to govern.

Personally, I create that I govern my human tendency to become distracted by subtle outside influences. These duplicitous installed  electrical stimuli and human created distortions can keep me from focus. I focus on the critical elements in life such as turning inward to Spirit,  my Highest Authority for guidance and answers. I know it as my Eternal Essence, Eternal heart, and Primary Consciousness. I consider this sacrosanct. I will not allow that to be violated no matter who tries to trespass or impose itself as a  contract above me or between me and ‘I AM that I AM’ (sui generis).

I am meant to be happy. I am meant to laugh, create, discover, and live fully. I choose to live to the highest ideal and for the highest good. That is me. It is an individual choice. Not only is that my basic right , It is my Divine Right eternally.

The choice is yours alone. Will it be evolution and liberty or the continued comfort of slavery?

Thanks for stopping by.


Disney's version of Merlin. RIDDLE FOR THE DAY

If you had an ‘ability’ to choose what would it be?

Now make a menu and select only three.

Once mastered –  think chinese  buffet.

What speaks for itself is the resume .

Next step, a promotion.

Use your creative inspiration, especially if you’ve followed the posts.


Thanks for stopping by,.

Sci-fi or Real?

Wouldn’t it be great to look at a cup across the room and ‘think’ it to you? How about teleporting to your family’s house for Christmas instead of submitting to debasing TSA searches? Better yet, view winning numbers for the daily lotto.

Best thing to do is give a real live example, not a ‘story’. Sound good to you? It is simple, clean, real.

There are links below to see how real people do this. I begin with what I did today. No big deal, it is an ordinary happenstance for me.

I was walking a controlled  ‘in trance’ in my back yard to create a new reality when a flash came. I ‘saw’ bushes and rose hips.

‘Wow’, one may say, that’s really boring, why not create a bag of money?

No. it isn’t boring or stupid.  I had created my week, which included finding rose-hip bushes as this is the season to harvest and I love drying them on a wood stove, grinding them into a powder and adding them to my herbal  tea collection.

Very high in vitamin C, they ward off the bogies and rhino viruses when that season rolls around. I also take the left over tea and add it to my fresh ground coffee the next morning to enhance the benefit of that. No taste, just more vitamin C now to my morning coffee. Now, that said, you’ve learned something.

I looked everywhere in the vicinity for a week and gave up the 3D search. Instead I went into the Inner Mind and then let go.

I never doubt the flashes. It is how I remote view with greater accuracy.

After the flash  I immediately walked out into a section of woods I rarely go, in a raiment of flip-flops, short sleeve t-shirt and not dressed for the prickly harvest. I followed the lead and in 29 steps I turned to my left and Viola!  Nicely ripened bushes of rose-hips jumped out that I never saw before. Gingerly walking down the cliff side with my flip-flops and shorts I harvested two full pocket loads that are now cleaned and drying.
I love how it works!
Why is this important?
The message is usually embedded in the movie/TV.
I haven’t watched television since 2006.

Watch The 4400: The pilot begins with a ball of light sailing towards Earth, but rather than the expected catastrophic event, thousands of returned abductees are left with no memory of their otherworldly experiences. Each has been gone anywhere from a few months to several decades, but hasn’t aged a day. These are the stories of the 4400 abductees after they are returned to Earth. The show follows two NSA agents who are trying to figure out what happened and why. Some of those returned have been affected in mysterious ways with certain abilities, both good and bad.
Released: July 11, 2004
Runtime: 43 mins
Genres: Sci-Fi Drama Mystery Thriller

For example, if you watched a video clip or the TV series “The 4400” it is chock full of relevant characters to today like the NSA, DHS, cult centers, comets, ET’s future BEings, and plenty of intrigue. Interestingly the screenwriters obviously had visions that was ahead of its time in 2004, You would get a clue that all humans have the innate abilities to do ‘extraordinary’ things. No one is special, trust me. However, we are all genetically programmed  for extraordinary ability. We have the genomes, previously thought by scientists to be ‘junk’ DNA. It is a matter of awakening to them. Decide then practice. Hone the skills.

It is what the secret societies have mastered for eons. The military have special units just for those with developed ability like STARGATE/CIA program. They aren’t special. Each and every person has the natural ability, it does not have to be chemically induced.

No one alive who can activate their extraordinary ability is abnormal, special, to be feared, or shunned.  They are not necessarily light workers, channels, new ager, or freaks. They have merely done the work, practice, and due diligence to develop the heightened ability of a god.

Additional examples of unusual ability is one that takes  practice to develop the neural pathway to view the hologram with playing cards before turning them over, or ‘seeing’ numbers a head of time. Try that in your local casino or lottery store. It works. Have you  read the book, “The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar”?  The tale tells of how he was inspired to develop this power after watching a blind man riding a bike in India. It is up to the reader to know if its true, but if you are wondering, there is a gnostic mystery school that has verifiable results.
We are all forgotten, sleeping gods, therefore have that capability if one chooses. The key here is choosing.  We are Eternal Essence as a god, which is unique only that one might consider ‘Sui Generis’ (unto itself). No one can claim authority over us and we all drop trousers to go to the toilet. Nothing special about that.
With all the blog posts out now about light-workers versus light warriors, channels versus the ‘real thing’, divine/ascendant masters ,’liar-archy’ of angels, fake gurus, ‘new age’ crapitude; it all leads to one point. None of us on this planet need to look to anything else but ourselves for the Power, Authority, Ability, to rescue. We can do it ourselves, if we feel the need.

Read the Kybalion, by ‘the Three Initiates, Yogi Publications, written in 1908, giving you the foundation of Hermetic teachings on the Mental Universe.
It is all there. It is nothing new. It is time however, to make a choice.
Do you insist on staying secure in your comfort-zone embraced by invisible slavery  or would you rather be liberated from the  fog of knowing  who you really are? Only you can change your reality, no one can rescue you from it. If anyone offers, they are a fake. Get rid of them.

Thanks for stopping by.


Do you choose the red or the blue box? Are you Neo or Mr Smith? What is your choice today? DO you have a choice?


Let’s go into the rabbit hole shall we? Put on your imagination cap for a moment to follow me in these three choices. Oh, did I say three? There are only two colored boxes to choose from, or is there a third? Where does this rabbit hole lead…..hmmm.


Futuristic Curves

The sun peeks through the slit in the window as I get up to start a new day. Looking around all seems normal, futuristic white slick everything from walls to appliances, furniture, decor. After taking my morning whiz I go out to the kitchen.

A soft etheric, authoritative voice chimes in, “Good morning citizen. Before you make another decision please choose if you want a female voice today or a male voice.”

“Oh, ah- I’ll take female today I am out-of-sorts and need some soothing time”                                                                                                                  “Very well citizen the female voice chimes”.

I walk over to the sink to turn on the water tap for coffee but the voice from the ubiquitous, amorphous ‘nowhere’ in the walls or the appliances or wherever it originates stops me.

“Citizen. Go no further! I sense from your thought-patterns that you do not intend to contribute your labor, life force and value to the benefit or continuation of the corporate community today am I correct in this bio-reading?’

” Uh yeah. I am off-balance today and don’t want to do much but relax, enjoy the day and get back my inner harmony.”

“Citizen, are you sure you choose not to contribute your value, labor, and  life force to the continuation of the corporate community today?”

“Yeah, is that a problem? Let me have some breakfast and I’ll see how I feel after that”.

“Citizen, your next choice will impact your breakfast. Choose wisely”.  “Look, I have a damned headache! I don’t feel like contributing my labor, life force or value to you invisible assholes who are sucking me dry right now. Gezus almighty I am talking to a damned refrigerator who is asking me if I want to work or bum around before I even get my frickin’ coffee! Am I right,?  I shout at the light bulb.”

“Very well citizen”.


-sound of an exhaust fan and vacuum then silence–

Fifteen minutes later the sound of a door lock unlatching. The door opens  and two sets of foot steps are heard padding in through the doorway. The audible  “thunk” of a suitcase  is heard in the eerie echo.

“Good morning citizens. Welcome to your new habitat we call an address. The former value and life force chose not to stay. Therefore ‘we’ utilize this address to house your life force, value, and labor by housing you and taking care of your needs. You will not require that suit case. It is outdated.”        –sound of a ZAP–

“Citizens there is one bedroom for the two life force values to use. If you choose to create future citizens we will require you to register that intention in order to make accommodation for that future labor, value, life force. Not registering is a criminal offense. The corporate community will not tolerate the unauthorized use of air, water, food and the unnecessary elimination of your wastes into our overtaxed system. You will be eliminated”.

“Choose wisely”.


I wake up to a sunny day streaming through the tree limbs as the birds sing.  I am not sure if I want to work today or take a hike  in the local nature reserve with some neighborhood kids that have only one parent.  I want to write about it later as I am inspired by the great gift of nature and new camera equipment.

A friend calls to ask if I could give her some piano lessons later as she decided it is time for her to learn a musical instrument. She knows I play semi-professionally. I tell her I have to make a choice as my schedule is filling up and want to choose for the highest good and benefit in the moment. Cheerfully she agrees with that intention so we make an appointment for her to stop by the next day. In return she treats me to a nice dinner at her restaurant.  Good value exchange between us bonds the friendship.


This can be anything you choose including cancel out the potential of one completely in your mind, accepting another, combining the two, or creating your own.


It’s all about value, relative to acceptance of one’s  worth. It is the freedom  to reign in one’s  domain and/or kingdom, valuing one’s sovereign authority over their own realm in their created reality, It is the only quantum aspect that is truly real for that quantum field of Thought, attitude, belief manifest into matter.

The only control is one that each has to change a thought and bring that change into matter. No longer does one need to accept unwittingly that our DNA patterns are subliminally manipulated to cast fear into a new canvas of our lives. We do not have to accept that our experience, exploration, adventure, or simply  living is subconsciously polluted on a DNA level. Cancel that.

Which box do you choose?

Thanks for stopping by.

Call for a MIRACLE

I had a wonderful inspiring talk with Gwen Caldwell,  radio host of the former Morning Brew Show this morning to whom I give credit  as her wisdom and insight gives pause on the topic.  It is about getting out of myriad of organizing/administrative meeting mindset to actively putting creative/progressive/future technology-  ‘boots on the ground’ in order to accomplish great work for the global community right down to the local level where it counts. Meetings take place everywhere from board rooms, conference calls, city parks, skype rooms, vmail interactions, clubhouses. Let’s stop having meetings and call for a miracle shall we?

It’s called critical mass action!

[9:13AM] I am beginning to wonder if this dynamic is mostly ALL WORDS and not action. That is what meetings are to me.
[9:09:33 AM] : They have a benefit up to a point, then get stuck in the ‘meeting’ inertia

[9:09:34 AM] :This all could be done with no money at all if we all just started doing it together.  If we quit asking permission to be free and just be free.
[9:10:12 AM] : just BE, agreed.

[9:11:24 AM] : lots of great projects bogged down in sludge.

[9:11:35 AM] They can’t stop us all and if it were collective action putting pressure on them then they would have to change those things….the people have to demand it collectively You cannot legislate morals and you cannot motivate the unmotivated…you just have to be the spark that lights the fire, so they can see the path.

[9:17:33 AM] I think it takes a moracle. People will move off their couch potato asses if something ‘heavenly’ inspires them. I am not talking religion, I am talking something more powerful and goodly than us. It is within us, but hidden.

[9:18:09 AM] : Miracle, but I like Moracle a moral miracle.

How do miracles inspire you?  On what occasion or with what condition does one believe a miracle is needed? Let’s talk about calling for one  now. 

They happen all the time. Look around.

The need doesn’t have to be so dire like the car accident in Missouri to call a priest appearing from seemingly nowhere to create one, although at times a news headline generates hope..

The energy is right there, throbbing and pulsing from just behind the heart node that beats our hearts billions of times in a lifetime. It is dynamic, intelligent, waiting to be called forth.

All you have to do is call it, demand it, expect it. That is not sacrilegious, it is your Eternal Right. It is within your ability to create. Own it, embrace it, use it. The world is waiting.

Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948), political and ...

Gandhi was the miracle in action that inspired millions into change against an indomitable power. That power turned out to be a carnival mirror; a distorted illusion. The real power of miracle is waiting.

Only you can make it happen. No one else will do it for you. No one else can. It is up to each and everyone to make it happen. It just takes an inspired thought knowing it is possible.

Miracles are needed everywhere from Wall St. banking  reform, to a totally new Congress;  peace on the streets of the Middle East,  stopping the corporate slave market;  stopping global dragnet harvesting private information and flagrant stealing of liberties.  Let’s get as basic as putting healthy food on the table that is our choice, not some out-of-control government agency whose pockets some mega corporation has hands in.

If a collective mass of Minds and Hearts pulled a miracle out from the quantum field of belief, it would be instantaneous. It is a blessed and auspicious intention. It is not selfish. It is lofty. It is worthy of action. It is God inspired. It cannot fail.

Thanks for stopping by.

Family- Tribe- Community- the FUTURE CVAC

Indians at dedication  (LOC)

Indians at dedication (LOC) (Photo credit: The Library of Congress)

south africa - zulu reed dance ceremony

south africa – zulu reed dance ceremony (Photo credit: Retlaw Snellac)









Call it what you want, tribe, family,community or whatever is politically correct in your cultural belief system. It is grass-roots community under Natural Law and sacred to the very foundation of humanity’s historical evolution.

For those who know what CVAC is, this is where we all should be leaning toward in this moment and not have our noses pressed to the ‘latest data’ surge. Data junkies do not a community make!

What is constructive for us all right now is to sit at our computers and research what alternate methods we can create as a viable system to replace the order of things now. Do a power point presentation to see how it looks. Present it to a group.  Get into groups. Put your heads together and brain storm. Let’s face it, what we have now just isn’t working.

Don’t get me wrong, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT AGENDA 21!!!

Amish family riding in a traditional Amish bug...

I am referring to getting back to basics with simplicity. The new technology is designed for simplicity and ease. Tribal, village, community ‘Mind’ is a gathering of Elders, leaders, talented and involved persons within the community who want harmony, productivity, sustainability, responsibility, and prosperity among other things. Let’s do this before the matrix bulldozes over that Home Tree of ours to control it all.

India  Bilaput - Bissamcuttac

India Bilaput – Bissamcuttac (Photo credit: Rita Willaert)

Humanity has accomplished CVAC’s through Natural Law for hundreds of thousands of years. It needs to return to that. Get hopping and design your own CVAC! Don’t wait for someone else to do it.

Get off the internet social room binge and get outside to start looking around where you can make a difference.

I know of a few very passionate and progressive, dedicated groups who’ve done this successfully. We need not reinvent the wheel.

Don’t wait for the money; first you must dream it,then the quantum field will move to supply that. Maybe that is why your money isn’t in your hand right now. Remember value exchange, it takes your energy to get the inertia into a dynamic state.  It’s time.


I will not be posting for a short while (unless needed) while I do research for a community CVAC that is in progress.

Thanks for stopping by.

Good for a Laugh

Amidst the daily chaos of news this pearl is buried somewhere on the periphery of headlines. Ya gotta laugh.

Talk about software gone awry; iphones and smart phones run amok. Never mind embassy closings this week, watch for Japanese designed bathroom closings!

English: A text written on Toilet paper Portug...This is a new form of bathroom terrorism at its funniest.The Japanese like luxury toilets and are known for elaborate designs but this goes too far. This is great for a laugh and by the way watch those smart phone apps lest you get an extra ‘whoopee’ up the poopee while sitting on the throne.  Ya gotta read this to believe it.

I kid you not,  no crass intentions, this is real. Yes this may sound like toilet humor and shades of “Jokes for the John” from decades ago it is a real concern. Hopefully the NSA doesn’t catch wind and use this for spying tools too. It is bad enough one has to worry that the SMART meters on their homes are radio frequency waves hurting their health. Who knows if there is a ‘secret’ contract with NSA to use the information the utilities gather for a dragnet of data.

At least this is good for laughs.

It is comic relief and a slap on that forehead, perhaps better than any news about major bank or papal shenanigans.

Thanks for stopping by.